This week we were introduced to visual note taking and learned about some of the benefits for memory and recall. The feature image of this post is my visual summary of Rachel Smith’s 2016 article “The scientific case for doodling while taking notes.” The full text is available here:

Now in the midst of my third degree, I feel pretty set in my text-based note taking ways. That said, this approach makes sense to me in terms of fostering skills in identifying key points, summarizing and reformulating. As well, combining visuals and written text aligns with research and learning we’ve done on the psychology of information processing and memory, including dual code and levels of processing theories. This is definitely something I’ll introduce in my classes as developing effective note taking skills is key.

Update: Thinking back on this activity the next morning, I could recall the sketch I produced almost perfectly… but almost none of the text notes. Seems like there’s something to this!